Be sure to stop in each Wednesday for the next episode's notes...I look forward to your visit!
** a favorite episode® worth rewinding and checking out again§ worth stopping and staring awhile[: source

- Oh, my—to my “Bennie” friends. I must just say your Mr. Curry does cut quite an image from the profile as he walks from the bunk house to the girls. The sway of his back and prominence of his butt does make his silhouette quite striking…*mmmm* It’s ok, Bennies, he’s still yours, but ooh, a girl just has to look…

- I laugh out loud at the Kid giving the girls advice on how to use finesse if they want to skin someone. They just ran a flawless grift on him, from the moment they pretended to shoot poorly before he was even awake to the right amount to wager on the bet, to the perfect shooting. They found their mark and drew him into the con like a couple of pros. And he wants to tell them how to skin someone…as he hands over his dollar! Granted he wins in the end, and leaves with his pride, but by all intents and purposes, these girls out-“skinned” him by a mile. And I will leave it up to his being a bit flustered that he missed his holster when he tried to show off a bit and twirl his gun. This whole scene is just priceless. So well done. And I assume the missing of the holster was accidental on Ben’s part, but it couldn’t have been more perfect if it had been scripted.®

- Of course I am aware of the Bennie uprising of joy at the Kid’s walk from the shooting contest back to the bunkhouse. Not my personal cup of tea, but I certainly do understand the appreciation of a good butt swagger, even if it is not my favorite butt. *wink* Just for you, girls:

- What better way to cap off the whole shooting contest encounter than the delightful couple’s moment as Kid walks past a grinning Heyes into the bunkhouse? “Aw, come on!” Kid laments and Heyes replies, grinning hugely, “I didn’t say a thing…” and follows the Kid into the room, laughing. What a moment this is…we all know Heyes doesn’t need to say a thing for these boys to communicate. Perfect.

- Are these men as clumsy with the barbed wire as they appear in the fleeting little glimpse of them, Heyes hammering and the Kid trying to unwind the wire? I don’t mean to sound disparaging, but I don’t think our boys are the greatest handymen.
- How wonderful the scene is when the girls pick Heyes and the Kid up for a picnic lunch. Peter climbing on that horse and so comfortably riding behind the saddle gives me a beautiful glimpse of what he must have been like as a boy—a bit of a reckless one at that—jumping on his family’s horse Babe and riding bareback in the field behind their home in Penfield. Such a lovely moment.
- It’s a terribly sweet moment, making so obvious the comfort and safety the boys feel in the embrace of this family, as Heyes starts singing “Simple Gifts” to teach Bridget and before long all four are there in the warmth of the noonday sun, relaxed and happy, singing the song together.

- Did the Kid just sleep through the after dinner performance of the girls singing “Simple Gifts”? Because that would be rude and hurtful to the girls, I have decided of my own accord he did not fall asleep…he just had his eyes closed to best absorb the beautiful music. Case dismissed.
- The looks on their faces let us know our favorite outlaws know instantly who yells into the Jordan’s home, “Hey in there, come on out…wanna talk to ya…” The idyllic family life is coming to an abrupt end and we all feel it, and know it, in that one harsh moment.
- I don’t remember ever seeing Heyes feeling ashamed of who he is before. The look on his face as the family is made aware of who the boys really are is heartbreaking to me. First, as he hears the sheriff reveal that they are outlaws, but not who they are, he avoids looking at Jesse, although his face shows resignation and surrender—it seems to just be a matter of when to acknowledge it. And then, when Heyes looks at Jesse and then looks over at the girls, an awful flash of shame crosses his face and his eyes are darkened with melancholy. It feels like a moment when he believes an idol has fallen in the eyes of those girls, and a moment when he can do nothing to bring back the image of who he was to them. It really saddens me, as it seems to sadden him. This very moment in time, this group of frames from a weekly seriocomic television show, is some of Peter’s finest-honed expressionism, and some of his most exquisite acting. *sigh* ®

- The look of disillusionment on the faces of the girls is heart wrenching, and Heyes seems wounded by it, although his look expresses acceptance that he is deserving of their loss of reverence. I am extraordinarily relieved when in an attempt to protect them, being spurned to some kind of action seems to allow the girls to forget that momentary lapse of respect, and they fall into their love and concern for our boys once again.

- For once Kid’s jump up onto a horse goes smoothly and the boys make a speedy getaway, leaving Belle with a relieved smile on her face. This seems to be a genuinely kind family as we have already seen and now see demonstrated in the fact that not even a passing glance of disappointment crosses her face that $20,000 is riding off into the distance.

- Very cute line as the sheriff says, “Must be the entire Devil’s Hole gang!” and it is only Bridget and Beth shooting at them. Goes to show you should never mess with a woman scorned, even though these two little girls were scorned by the sheriff and not by their first loves…
- What a gorgeous scene as the boys lie down in the railroad car. It has such a visually stylish feel about it and it is also very evocative of big screen imagery.

- My, our boys did some roundabout traveling to get their stake as they turn up in San Juan, play a hand or two of poker back in the unnamed town where Heyes was shot, spend some time in Wickenburg and play some cards with Jim Stokely, whom they won’t meet until sometime in the not too distant future—all before heading back to see if the Jordan family is all right. The magic of vintage TV and stock footage! I am sure old Roy Huggins was proud.
- It is a heartwarming family reunion, as the boys return to try to make good; and it is made all the more warm by the glow of lantern light, everyone except the traveling boys dressed in sleep clothes and the talk of flapjacks and bacon.

- That prosecuting attorney’s comb-over is pretty darn bad. The guy wouldn’t be bad looking were it not for the wayward strands surreptitiously placed across his forehead. Why not just accept there is no longer hair in that location (although he appears to have some) and go on with life? I have just never understood who comb-over addicts think they are fooling.
- We have heard Shoshone before, but never seen her and it is a wonderful, sweet moment as she and Carroll come trotting up to investigate what is happening to their dad as Heyes, in disguise, is dragged to the jail. We are truly blessed as fans to have this moment in time saved forever. And I am bound to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Peter got a real kick out of seeing his beloved dogs in their acting debuts when he watched this episode. Since sweet little Carroll is almost lost in the shadows, and she only has a non-speaking cameo role, I have pointed her out...*wink*
- My, the outcome of the trial, after the Kid turns himself in, could have gone so differently. It was more than slightly possible the judge would have had none of it, and might have put both Belle Jordan and Jedidiah Curry in prison. Our boys are certainly gamblers, and thank goodness they actually won this hand.
- How beautiful is that smile as Heyes pulls the fake mustache off as the jailbreak begins? *giggle*
- In one of my all-time favorite couple’s moments, Heyes chides the Kid about getting rid of his mustache, and the boys share a connecting moment before riding off to points unknown…
I really enjoyed this episode. Vera Miles was an excellent guest star. She played Janet Leigh's sister in the film, "Psycho". There she was back on the Universal backlot.
Great Heyes and Curry 'couples moments' as you call them. It was rare treat to hear Peter sing. A real panty wetter! The little girls definitely hit puberty that weekend! Nice unexpected twist near the end of the show.
Love, love this episode, well, apart from the mustache - really didn't like it. But what I would have given to have been on that horse with Peter and you can certainly see how skilled he was on a horse, I must have been about the same age as that girl - 15, so who could blame her for maybe having a crush, I would have been speechless.! Peter has a beautiful singing voice, with or without a cold.
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