- I'm not sure why, but I just adore the moment when Kid asks Heyes just how thirsty he is...it is a demonstration of the two very distinct roles these characters play in their relationship. Kid will step up, as the muscle of the pair, when need be--and he includes Heyes' opinion to make sure stepping up is necessary. It never fails to fascinate me how well their relationship succeeds for these two straight men. They are really a couple—and it works perfectly for them.
- Kid is tough as nails. His looks don’t lend themselves so much to that idea, which I think is disarming to his opponents. But he, unlike Heyes, is never afraid of the situations they are in. He is confident, and never hesitates to walk straight into a conflict. I think his boyish smile and ice blue eyes are like fish in the sea…the most colorful and pretty ones are almost always the most deadly.
- Another bully at the bar scene, and it is really good. It is a chance for Kid to demonstrate his fast draw and our boy is so skilled he doesn’t even put down his drink. Hot. ®
- Heyes always shows some sign of awe and pride at Kid’s prowess with a gun. It’s sweet.
- I like how Heyes makes up to Blake in the street after Kid has shot his holster plumb in half… "put your arms down, now and come on…if there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s a man who holds a grudge.” Then he offers to have Blake’s holster fixed. Of course, we know Heyes has an ulterior motive, but Blake just feels like he is acting in friendliness.
- Apparently Blake stopped at the barbershop on his way to complain to the sheriff about who our boys might be. While in the bar only a couple of minutes ago, his face sported at least a three-day growth of stubble, but in the sheriff’s office and on the street where Heyes and the Kid catch up with him he is nearly clean shaven except for a mustache. But then, hey, wait a minute! This guy Blake has the fastest growing beard known to man…now in the wine shop his face is showing a good two-day’s growth. Testosterone or technicality---you be the judge.
- Wine on top of whiskey. Hmmmm. I feel one hell of a hangover coming on.
- Almost ready to give up on the idea of earning $10,000 because it just sounds too dangerous, Heyes is beyond adorable when Blake speaks of the safe where Armendariz keeps the bust of Caesar when it is not on display. “A safe?” And a huge grin as Blake tells him where the safe is from. “Philadelphia? Imagine that…” and the cylinders are really firing in Heyes’ head now…he is already counting the money…
- A first awareness of a trait I absolutely adore about Heyes throughout the series...he loves to play with people’s minds. Here, Heyes treats Blake in a friendly, amiable manner, touching his shoulder and showing concern that he may be in trouble with Mr. McCreedy---and completely disarming the poor sap. And after Kid apologizes for ruining his holster, Blake, feeling befriended and comfortable, says it is a “pleasure to know a man who can shoot that good” to which our ornery Heyes replies, with no sign of insincerity, “Oh, he ain’t that good. He was aiming for your belly.” Kid grins and tips his hat and poor ol’ Blake can only gulp down his wine as our favorite outlaws take their leave.
- That winter coat of Heyes’ just engulfs him. He looks like a little boy in his big brother’s hand me down. And yet, I don’t mind it. Somehow, on him, it works. I am hard pressed to find any moments when he is not adorable in my eyes.
- A cute and sweet moment as Peter stumbles on his lines in the street talking about whether it would be within the boundaries of their amnesty to retrieve the stolen bust from Armendariz. He seems to completely lose track of his monologue and kind of meanders through it. Ben laughs, at Peter’s struggle is my guess, and Peter sheepishly laughs a bit with him and tries to compose himself. I really appreciate that the powers-that-be in those days didn’t remove this very human interaction from the show and left us a wonderful truly Peter moment to savor forever. ®
- Uh, oh. Heyes has just made us aware he is a consummate poker player. And quite confident--even arrogant--about it to boot. “I figure I can play it close so I might even not win too much” he tells Kid in response to his question whether he can play it close and not lose too much. And with a flash of his beautiful left dimple and a laugh, we sense he has the right to a bit of arrogance…
- I am sorry Ben/Kid fans. I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. It’s just a personal taste thing, but I just cannot stand Ben’s voice when he laughs and speaks at the same time….”Heyes, your silvery tongue has done it again…” ugh… (No death threats left in my comments, please.)
- Peter seems to be settling into the role now. Heyes is not a superman, but he is a skilled and smart man. He doesn’t act goofy, although he does fail at some things. Peter portrays a flawed character, somewhat egotistical, but gentle, emotional and smart as a whip, with a gaze that could bring a strong man to his knees. He has made Heyes a character people can love, and respect, because he is fallible and very human.
- Ben seems to have his lips pursed through this whole episode. I think it is charming. I have heard him say he always made a face and a shooting sound when he pulled his gun and had to train himself not to do that in the early days of the show. I wonder if he realized he held his mouth this way and consciously worked on changing that also.
- Heyes always looks so damn adorable cracking a safe. I really believe Peter purposely put a sexual slant on his expressions, letting us know--in kind of an understated way-- that this is what turns Heyes on…he would love this activity almost as much as he would love sex with a woman, maybe even more at times.

- Our boys face a dilemma as they gaze upon the jewels and thumb through the stack of money in Armendariz’s safe. Without saying much, we see both men pass the torch from their old goal in life--which was apparently the acquisition of great fortune by thievery--to their new goal, that of a life of straight and honest ways. The looks of resignation on their faces and Heyes asking, “It ain’t easy, Kid, is it?” to which Kid replies, “It’s downright heartbreaking, Heyes” speaks volumes.
- Well, now, that’s a mighty fine moment as we see Heyes for the first time without his coat on, in a nicely fitted blue shirt and buff jeans—as he stands and shuts the safe. Mm, mm, mm… never would have even realized the man had a physique with that winter coat on. Mighty fine, indeed.
- I am bound to wonder who put the Gumby curl in Burl Ives hair for the poker scene. And possibly more to the point, why.
- I have to look away when Heyes thinks he has won the hand with a straight, and McCreedy tells him the obscure Hoyle rule. It hurts me to see him confused and embarrassed. It is like a real look at someone being cheated or duped, and even though Peter has made the character fallible, it is just a little too realistic for me. I feel like I would if I saw something like that happen in real life…like I want to look away so I don’t further embarrass the poor fool being taken advantage of. I would say that is pretty good acting to make me feel that strongly about the scene. And, amazingly, no matter what is transpiring for the Hannibal Heyes character, Peter looks beautiful playing it. *sigh*
- With his hat pushed back on his head and in his Sunday best, I find myself wondering if we are looking at Hannibal Heyes or Bret Maverick.
Payback is a bitch, McCreedy! I love the Five Pat Hands trick and have tried it with moderate success. It does show Heyes to have a mathematical mind, which comes in handy in a number of situations. And a real plus: he looks so sexy as a winner. ®
That banker and his maniacal laugh is enough to put me through the roof. Enough already.
McCreedy has redeemed himself to some degree in my eyes, when he gets bested by Heyes in the Five Pat Hands trick and after a moment of anger, sees the humor in it and lets out a snort and small laugh, saying “You guys are all right. If I didn’t hate your guts so much, I’d have you stay here to work for me.” Still, my natural response is to dislike anyone who doesn’t treat our boys well…so as I said, he has only redeemed himself to some degree…
- There is Peter’s good friend and stand-in, Hal Frizzell, at the piano as Heyes and the Kid celebrate winning the $20,000 with song and drink. I think there is a special moment there as Peter looks at Hal with a flash of true friendship in his eyes. Just a quick, fleeting flash of familiarity, but I believe it is there…
- Cesar Romero. One word. Suave.
- I love how the boys ask Armendariz for a moment to speak alone and vote to tell him where the bust is. Heyes: “I vote we tell him!” Kid: “I vote we tell him, if he lets us go!” Heyes: “If he lets us go immediately!” Like they have even a single iota of say in the matter! So cute and silly.
- A nice moment of clarity for our heroes as Armendariz tells them why he is letting them go…because they took nothing from his safe except the object they thought belonged to McCreedy. It is the first time they truly see the value of doing the right thing, I think. They are awed by the knowledge and it feels good to them, especially to Heyes, who breaks out in one of his imagine that! grins…
- Don’t you ever learn, McCreedy? You may have fooled Heyes once…but never again! Heyes shows how smart he is once again as he takes McCreedy up on his challenge (and $20,000 bet) that he can cut the ace of spades on the first try. Heyes’ skill with cards and his deep understanding of basic grifting puts him a mile ahead of anyone who might try to trick him. This characteristic is a thread through the whole series and makes for some very attractive Heyes moments. You see his smarts and his confidence, and it looks good on him. No, you didn’t, Mr. McCreedy. Absolutely delicious. ®
- Peter has noticeably attractive hands…we get a close look or two in this episode. I have always been attracted to men’s hands. After eyes, hands and arms are the first thing I notice…and his are right up there at the top of my list.
- After all this, our boys get screwed out of their money when Armendariz takes it. Life just isn’t fair.